Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Huckabee Leads, Palin Gaining Ground

Well, welcome to the GOP 2012 Primary season, complete with like zero declared candidates. Mike Huckabee leads, Sarah Palin is gaining, and Mitt and Newt are dropping according to CNN. Apparently all the talk about social conservatives losing ground in the GOP is just a bunch of hot air.

This tells me two things: Palin's brand of Tea Party backing isn't going away, and being the "intellectual thinker" in the field isn't exactly a great idea. Huckabee may have strong personal qualities, but I'm unconvinced he's electable. Yes, he may draw out the 2004 Evangelical voters that backed Bush, but will he lose the Tea Party crowd? I know this though, he's a better bet than Palin for the GOP.

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