Friday, March 4, 2011

The Political Situation In Wisconsin

Well, it looks like the GOP is acknowledging reality in Wisconsin, as they are seriously fearful of defections on Governor Walker's union-busting bill. I guess when even Rasmussen says you're viewed negatively by 57% of your state, people in the GOP will take notice. Walker is now admitting he's negotiating, and they seem to understand that 3 Senators are likely to break.

That's because the Democrats are launching re-call efforts against 8 GOP Senators in Wisconsin who support Governor Walker. No one is willing to give up their job to defend a Governor who appears to be lost. The only thing that may save him from a re-call himself is time, and we will see if that even helps.

All of this comes amidst polling showing the President is recovering in Wisconsin, and would win solidly right now. This is not what the GOP had in mind last November.

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