Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Novel Idea?

Something seems to be happening.

Some states, lead by conservative, Tea Party Governors, are turning down federal dollars for programs. Florida Governor Rick Scott is turning down $2.4 billion for a high-speed rail line between Orlando and Tampa. Apparently, California's Senators are asking for that unused money for their own high-speed rail projects.

Obviously I'm being snarky here, but hey, let's do this across the board. If "red America" doesn't want federal dollars, and those of us in "blue America" do, let them opt out, and us opt into the money leftover. Let everyone have the system they vote for, right!

Now, in all seriousness, this would be a dangerous and unworkable idea. While they may not want economic development in Rick Scott's version of Florida, it will benefit Florida and the nation for them to have it in the long-term. That he is rejecting money for high-speed rail between two major cities shows he is overly ideological. His harm of his own state is laughable, if it weren't so serious. That California is asking for the money shows them to be much more forward thinking.

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