Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Christian "Sharia" Says No To Individual Mandate, Yes To Marriage Counseling Mandate and Killing Abortion Doctors

Wisconsin is pretty bad. Iowa and Missouri have some lunatics too. In Pennsylvania, they just wanna party. Hey man, at least they pay. Well, when they don't fight. Insanity in the states, post-November 2010, just seems to get worse and worse. Now, we have Montana and South Dakota going over the line.

We'll start in Montana, because it's the less disgusting, but probably more hypocritical of the two states. State legislators there are considering a law to make 10 hours of marriage counseling mandatory before a divorce, for parents with minor children. I thought the GOP was the party of personal responsibility and limited government? Apparently not if you have children, then they think the government needs to run your life. The hearing basically pitted women's groups and anyone who doesn't think we need to be run by religious law against the Montana Family Foundation and some other lunatics. Apparently, federal mandates to do something unequivocally good for you, like owning health care, are bad. Mandates for marriage counseling are good. Apparently.

Then there's South Dakota. This is just a mess. They want to make it legal to "defend a fetus" by killing to protect it. Basically, you can kill an abortion doctor under these rules. This has actually gone a step further than many of the other nutty state level bills, because it passed out of committee 9-3, and will go to the floor in a GOP dominated House. This expansion of "justifiable homicide" is insane. State Representative Phil Jensen, the author of this bill, is clearly inviting the nuts to act, on the behalf of a fetus, whom he is prescribing rights that do not exist in a civilized or constitutional country. I am personally very opposed to abortion as a means of birth control, but find government action to ban it disgusting. This goes a step further than even banning abortion. Now you can kill people who provide it, under his proposed law.

Is the GOP the party of "small government" or not? Does small government only apply when it's programs to feed people who are poor, provide health care, educate kids, and build roads, or does small government also prevent crazy intrusions into the home by the government? This is the problem with taking a purely ideological party at it's word- they may violate it. They are not small government at all. They are corporatist, Christian-Fundamentalists.

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