Scott Walker is not very smart. He got played out by a blogger. His staff isn't so smart either. They put him on the phone with that blogger just for saying he was David Koch. Walker is very used to people saying nasty stuff about his opponents though, and he doesn't say anything to stop them. And yes, apparently any rich, Republican donor, can get the Governor on the phone, but the Democratic Senators up there can't. He's also minimally delusional on how this is going for him, or a good liar to his supporters. The guy's also obviously arrogant and out of touch, thinking he's Reagan, and all the other grand ideas he espoused about himself and his actions.
Basically, he's not really up to this level of fight. You don't see national figures get played out by a blogger. I just wonder who's going to be the Republican to walk him off this ledge. He's either going to fail miserably and not be taken seriously in the legislature, or succeed, and potentially be re-called or simply beaten soundly in 2014. Neither option goes well for him. He should take the open hand of the unions and take their concessions now, and call it a win.
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