Sunday, February 20, 2011

Adult Conversations On The Budget: Now For The Completely Stupid, Ignorant, and Dishonest

You know what really burns me up? Being lectured by lying wind-bags about the need for an "adult conversation" on the deficit. A bunch of GOP Congressmen who just spent the last decade running a debt up to the sky are now lecturing us about the need for "shared sacrifice," which also means austerity for us, and tax cuts for rich guys. Chris Christie runs around New Jersey and the country claiming that a bunch of middle-class teachers are bankrupting his state, and so he needs to cut $800 million from education spending immediately in a state with some of the best test scores in the country, even as he resists calls to tax millionaires, and even insists they need breaks. Adult conversation? For who? Certainly not from these clowns.

And don't twist this to mean that I think all the Democrats are right too. Some of these guys don't have the courage to call stupidity and lies out on their face, so they instead join in "bi-partisan talks" about problems and solutions that are total nonsense. These ridiculous talks of "mandatory rules" and such for future Congresses are just ridiculous, for one example. Any framework of "mandatory spending levels" for Congress will be out the door as fast as "pay-go" was when the GOP took control, because the GOP doesn't follow anyone else's rules when they get in charge. Even worse though, Democrats, lead by the President, are prepared to go along with Republican budget proposals like cutting heating oil for poor people, even though they know that cutting that heating oil for poor people will do little to nothing about the deficits. Trust me, I understand the Democrats problems on this issue, but it's an issue of political will. The GOP's issue is either ignorance, stupidity, or willful ineptitude.

While Republicans are cutting funds for PBS, NPR, Planned Parenthood, health care reform, the EPA, and every program the government has that doesn't blow stuff up or benefit rich people, they ignore the easy savings under their nose. The Pentagon proposed their OWN cuts to this and next year's budget, but the GOP is making the Pentagon buy weapons they don't want. The Pentagon even just released a study showing they've wasted $285 BILLION the last THREE years on payments to contractors that were accused of fraud and wrongdoing. They've voted several times on abortion already in this Congress, and have proposed hearings on such pressing topics as "The New Black Panthers" and ACORN (which doesn't even exist anymore), but have they actually attempted to solve the deficit problems? No. They haven't proposed $0.01 of cuts to the Pentagon (in fact they've exempted it from their "adult conversation"), haven't proposed one reform to Social Security, still haven't released one idea on Health Care, let alone address Medicare and Medicaid problems, or released any other single real reform to the federal budget to handle our deficit problems. In fact, the crazy freshmen members had to get together with Democrats to stop their LEADER, the SPEAKER of the House, from giving himself several billion dollars of hot, steamy pork.

Do me a favor conservative friends. Don't try to include me in your "adult conversation." The pre-school conversation is more serious than these lard-loving jokes you have empowered to reign in spending.

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