Monday, February 14, 2011

PA Senator Scarnati Agrees To Pay For Super Bowl Trip, After Scrutiny

I've gotta say, I'm still jealous. Pennsylvania State Senate President Joe Scarnati got a free, all-expenses trip to Dallas to watch the Steelers-Packers game. The trip, paid for by Consol Energy Inc., got him there, got him into the party, and I'm sure got him some delicious food. Why, you might ask, would Consol do this for the Senate President? They have become a major player in the "Marcellus Shale" natural gas drilling in Pennsylvania. Senator Scarnati just happens to be one of the most powerful people for writing the regulations on them.

Well, Scarnati is doing the honorable thing, sort of. He's re-paying them for the whole trip. Well, except for the airfare, which he's passing off to his campaign account (I'd do it too for $1200). I guess he gets credit for making sure no one can call this a bribe.

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