Sunday, February 20, 2011

Just The Friend Walker Wanted....

Budget-pro Rick Santorum put out a statement on the Wisconsin situation:
"I commend Governor Walker for having the fortitude to stand up against the fiscal irresponsibility that is plaguing our country. He is showing tremendous courage to put an end to spending that his state and many like his can simply no longer afford," Santorum stated. "Americans are looking for this kind of commitment to fiscal responsibility in Washington and in state houses across the country."

Perfect! The GOP's 2012 ticket from the dark side, dumb and dumber. Rick "man on dog" Santorum's tenure in the Senate, particularly his second term, during which he was in GOP leadership, only saw us turn record surpluses into record deficits, squander billions in Iraq and tax cuts, and saw a four year period (2001-2004) of tepid job growth at best. I bet this is who Scott Walker wanted endorsing his plans right now.

Rick should just stick to his regular agenda of accusing homosexuals of committing beastiality, basically saying women belong in the kitchen, and comparing abortion to slavery.

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