Thursday, February 17, 2011

In Montana, Stupidity Is A Legislative Value

If you follow the money, the science has been pushed toward where the money is coming from. The money is coming from the federal government. I believe global science is an ideal, not a true science.
State Rep. Joe Read is a freshman Montana lawmaker. He not only thinks Global Warming isn't man-made. He thinks it's beneficial. He's filing a bill that says the Montana Legislature thinks so. This bill is insane.
The legislature finds that to ensure economic development in Montana and the appropriate management of Montana’s natural resources it is necessary to adopt a public policy regarding global warming.

(2) The legislature finds:

(a) global warming is beneficial to the welfare and business climate of Montana;

(b) reasonable amounts of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere have no verifiable impacts on the environment; and

(c) global warming is a natural occurrence and human activity has not accelerated it.
Wow. Did he consult ANYONE to draft this opinion? No. He had no scientists weigh in on this. He has just decided that Global Warming is good. On his own.

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