Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What? Boehner Care About Jobs???

"So be it."

That's Speaker John Boehner's attitude on job losses to federal employees effected by his "$100 billion" in cuts. Worse yet, he claims that 200,000 workers have been added to federal rolls under President Obama, and he's wrong about that.
According to Office of Personnel Management statistics, 82,692 full-time federal workers left the federal government in fiscal 2009 and agencies added 142,687 new hires, for a net gain of 59,995 jobs.

In fiscal 2010, 91,093 full-time feds left the government, while agencies added 138,155 new hires for a net gain of 47,062 new positions.

As the numbers demonstrate, most of the new hires were to replace employees who left the government. And when hires in both fiscal years are combined, it's safe to say the federal government added about 107,057 new positions -- not the 200,000 Boehner claims, Palguta said.

The Partnership -- and Obama's 2012 budget proposal unveiled Monday -- also note that the federal workforce is actually smaller relative to the population of the United States than in previous decades. Most of the growth in recent years has occurred at the departments of Defense, Homeland Security, Justice and Veterans Affairs -- in security or defense-related programs the GOP is unlikely to touch with the budget ax.
This is really a simple matter of whether or not he's competent. He can't even get basic statistics right. He also doesn't give a damn about the people who will lose their jobs. Not just statistics, but people. The Speaker of the House doesn't just think this way, he says it.

Dare I say it- Worst Speaker Of My Life- at minimum.

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