And the
right-wing assault continues on unions:
The Senate Education Committee voted along party lines Wednesday to abolish collective bargaining between teachers unions and school boards across the state.
The vote was 6-3, with all Republicans on the panel voting for the bill and all Democrats against.
Sponsor Sen. Jack Johnson said passage of the bill -- SB113 -- will remove 'an albatross from around the neck of our school boards across the state' and remove a roadblock to education reform.
Here is a lesson in how to make sure your state stays red. Beat teachers up so bad that no one smart goes into teaching, so your kids don't learn any of that "evil" science, history, reading, and math. Then your kids will grow up so stupid that they believe the drivel coming out of Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh. And to think, it wasn't forever ago that Tennessee was a competitive state.
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