Tuesday, February 8, 2011

President Bush Isn't Getting Arrested, Nor Should You Want Him To Be

There's been a lot of talk that Former President George W. Bush would be arrested if he stepped foot in Europe to give a speech. Now there's opinions out that he wouldn't be. While Amnesty International believe Bush could be arrested in Switzerland, the Milan Prosecutor who indicted CIA Agents in 2003 for torture says Bush is not indictable in Italy.

Look, President Bush did permit torture as President, saying he had legal opinions to back it up. Should he be arrested now? I don't really believe so. He's out of office, he's not coming back to public life, he's history now. Last I checked, Guantanamo is still open. Let's worry about the here and now right. Besides this, why do people want to get their ounce of blood so bad? Bush is gone, and will remain so. His successor was elected as a direct repudiation to him. There's no reason to wish ill on the man now, he's been rejected for his term anyway.

1 comment:

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL6v8nzFiUk
    this is why he should be put in prison
