Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mitt Romney Wants a Do-Over

Poor Mitt. He's realizing that the psychopath electorate he will face for the 2012 Primaries is never going to let him live down "RomneyCare," so now he wants a re-write. Can't say I blame him. I was just watching a focus-group on Fox of Iowa Republicans where basically everyone said they think the President's a Muslim. I wonder what they think of Romney's religion?

But back to the issue at hand, not just the nuts interpreting it. Mitt's putting his book out again, in a new edition. He's also re-writing big parts of it. Not only does he become harsh about the President's health care reform, and try to break from it, he also blames everyone else for his plan's perceived "problems."
The rewritten version proclaims that "Obamacare will not work and should be repealed," and "Obamacare is an unconstitutional federal incursion into the rights of states." Romney also blames the Massachusetts legislature for altering his plan and says criticizes current Gov. Deval Patrick (D) "for botching the implementation."

Let's be honest here for a minute. Romney's probably the most electable candidate the GOP has. He can put Michigan and Ohio back in play for the GOP, he's the only candidate in their field currently competitive in the west, and he'd probably be able to fear-monger himself back into play in the south. He's probably not able to win their nomination though. His health care law, religion, and relatively sane conservatism isn't going to cut it with people who think Obama is a dictator, hell-bent on killing grandma, and hell-bent on communism and Islam ruling America. Their best other shot is Huckabee, but he isn't entering before summer apparently. Sarah Palin, anyone?

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