Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Is The GOP Nomination A Doomed Reward?

Doctored internet photos (like the one in this article). Muffed interviews. Factually inaccurate statements. Unpopular policies to flip flop on. Actual Obama Administration members trying to run. The 2012 GOP field is a very flawed crowd, so flawed that Virginia Republican Governor Bob McDonnell says they are unready for President Obama.

The question is being asked, is the GOP Nomination worth having right now? The answer, maybe for a Mitt Romney or Mike Huckabee, who will get one more crack at it, might not be yes with the President's approval ratings up, and a falling unemployment rate. Is it worth having though for most candidates? Yes, absolutely. President George H.W. Bush was around 80% at this point in 1991, and a young Bill Clinton decided to run anyway. It played out well for him. If you have the nomination, you simply have to find some way to beat the guy in the office. You're that close. One scandal, one mishap, and you may win by accident. Even if you don't, you get to set the party platform and select a running-mate, shaping your party's politics for times to come. It's well worth the effort.

The real question is, how should the party approach the run? Should they look for a strong candidate to win? A boring candidate to not hurt down ballot candidacies? Nominate a lunatic to appease the activists? Look for their Goldwater? If the President keeps his head above water and the jobs picture improves this year, the GOP elders will have a very tough choice to make.

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