Thursday, February 10, 2011

Emanuel Closes In On Victory

Rahm Emanuel is winning big for Mayor of Chicago. He holds a 30% lead over Sheriff Gery Chico, 49%-19%, with former Senator Carol Mosley-Braun at 10%, and City Clerk Miguel Del Valle at 8%. There's little chance any of them can catch him between now and the primary night. In 11 days, Emanuel will win the primary.

The drama is in that 50% threshold. No candidate can win the election that night without 50% of the vote. If you add those numbers up, they show some undecideds, which would make one think Emanuel will reach 50% and win, but it isn't a lock. The former White House Chief of Staff will need to get to 50% on primary night, and get himself the Mayor's office on the first crack, to avoid some political bloodshed.

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