Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Congressman Resigns- Is the GOP Freak Show Back In Town?

You thought Mark Foley was long gone, didn't you? Don't worry- he's gone from Congress at least. On the night that Senator Ensign was holding a DC Fundraiser to kick-off his 2012 re-election effort, Congressman Chris Lee abruptly resigned from Congress. Why you ask?
Rep. Christopher Lee is a married Republican congressman serving the 26th District of New York. But when he trolls Craigslist's "Women Seeking Men" forum, he's Christopher Lee, "divorced" "lobbyist" and "fit fun classy guy."
Oh boy. Well, it's not having a "wide stance" in the men's room of an airport, but I'm guessing the Mrs. isn't so happy. Add on that Congressman Lee's 26th District in New York is right next to Eric Massa's old district, and it could be a political issue for the guy. The details aren't so hot for the guy, but did he need to quit less than a month into his term over this? I don't tend to think so, if this is all it was. I don't much care who he's sleeping with in his spare time, so long as they're a consenting human who is legal. It's not really my business.

The key here is that, from what I've heard, in his resignation statement he talked of "mistakes" in the plural. It appears to me that he thought there would be more trouble forthcoming. I mean, let's be honest, David Vitter is still a Senator, and he liked to defecate in a diaper with prostitutes who are now dead. Clearly, Congressman Lee just made an attempt to spare the people who are probably pretty angry at him in his life the horror of what was ahead.

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