Wednesday, January 19, 2011

President Obama's Approval

President Obama is suddenly back on the rise. His realclearpolitics average approval is 49.6%, while his disapproval is down to 45.3%. The numbers of recent note:

  • Gallup: 49% approval- 43% disapproval
  • Rasmussen: 48% approval- 51% disapproval (this is an outlier, but an improvement for him)
  • CNN/Opinion Research: 53% approval- 45% disapproval
  • ABC News/Washington Post: 54% approval- 43% disapproval
  • Democracy Corps: 47% approval and disapproval (last week)
  • Reuters/Ipsos: 50% approval- 47% disapproval (ended on the 10th)
  • McClatchy/Marist: 48% approval- 43% disapproval (ended on the 10th)
  • Quinnipiac: 48% approval- 44% disapproval (ended on the 11th)
  • AP/GfK: 53% approval- 46% disapproval (ended on the 10th) 
  • Pew: 46% approval- 44% disapproval (ended on the 9th)
Just now, the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll came out and has him at 53%-41%. This means that for this week, the President has an approval of 51.4% and a disapproval of 44.6%. Removing Rasmussen, he hasn't had a single poll put him in the negative, and his approval for the week is 52.25%, and his disapproval is 43%. The President is looking quite strong, but not unbeatable, as the 2012 election looms.

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