Sunday, January 30, 2011

Obama Administration Ready For Mubarak Exit?

President Obama, Vice-President Biden, and Secretary of State Clinton have all taken some grief for not explicitly supporting the protestors in the streets of Egypt with a statement calling for Egyptian President Mubarak to leave. In reality, with elements like the Muslim Brotherhood around, I understand that, even if I agree with the protestors. The U.S. government doesn't want the worst elements of Egypt to take charge. Makes sense. So they're cautious.

The LA Times is reporting that the U.S. Government is preparing for life after Mubarak in the Middle East. They have come to realize that Mubarak cannot stay in power without a crushing display of strength against the Egyptians that would lay the seed for a bloody revolution in the near future. Knowing that, they are preparing for an orderly exit. The real question is, how and where does he go, and who replaces him.

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