Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Newt's Same Old Playbook

This is a gem. PoliticalWire did good finding this.
Gingrich once called Clinton "a very smart, very clever tactician whose core system of activity is a combination of counterculture and McGovern... he and his wife were counterculture at Yale... They really are left-wing elitists..."

And now...
In a radio interview, Newt Gingrich said Bill Clinton was "an Arkansas moderate in a liberal party, who had a pretty good common sense understanding of the average person" and a "very down home Arkansas kind of guy when you talk to him," Politico reports.

In contrast, he said President Obama is "a Harvard, Columbia, University of Chicago elitist from the most expensive private school in Hawaii, who lives in an elite, radical worldview in his head."

Bottom line: It doesn't matter if the Democrats run an inbred hillbilly with no idea where New York and Chicago are on the map, the GOP will call them an "educated, elite." You see, the colleges he went to matter, because they are where the "weird, smart people" go. These people hate intelligent people, and I can't figure out why. I get the whole hating cities thing, but hating intelligence is nonsense, and yet it works, over and over again for the GOP.

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