Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Christie's Approval Dropping Fast

Here comes the fall....
According to a recent Rutgers-Eagleton poll, registered voters in New Jersey now have a much less favorable view of Christie than they did just a few months ago, with the poll coming shortly after the governor delivered his budget address two weeks ago. In that address, Christie, like other Republican governors nationwide, criticized public employee unions for having "rich benefits," and said he would go after those benefits as a way to balance the budget.

In the poll, 46% of voters viewed Christie favorably, compared to 44% who viewed him unfavorably. That's a swing from his strong showing in December, when 49% of voters had a favorable impression of Christie compared to 39% who had an unfavorable impression of him.

Further, a plurality of voters, 48%, said they didn't like Christie's budget proposal, while 45% said they were pleased with the proposal.

Whether it happens now, 6 months from now, closer to his re-election, or early in a potential second-term, Christie's approval will tank. People will realize he's killing their state with his childish behavior and uncreative solutions. While he may have been onto something at first, he's now attempting to demonize public workers to the point that they are the problem, and people aren't buying it. The fame will run out for him, bank it. In fact, I don't think personally he wins a second term.

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