This is pretty unbelievable:
The New Hampshire House of Representatives passed a bill last week that according to the Wonk Room would repeal the states “participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which has cut greenhouse and other pollution and created 1,130 jobs as a result of energyefficiency benefits.”
Members of the legislative chamber made a number of statements that were especially disturbing: [Source: CAP]
Deputy Majority Leader Shawn Jasper (R-Hudson) explained his vote: “Neither man nor cow is responsible for global warming.”
Rep. James Garrity (R-Atkinson), chairman of the House’s Science Technology and Energy Committee, claimed that RGGI relies on “shaky climate science.”
Rep. Frank Holden (R-Lyndeboro), vice chairman of the House’s Science, Technology and Energy Committee, wrote in the majority committee report that the “science of climate change is far from clear.”
Rep. Andrew Manuse (R-Derry): “The reasons used to promote RGGI were based in false, exaggerated and highly politicized science.”
Stupidity appears to be a political right.
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