Sunday, March 13, 2011

The House Republicans' Version of "Small Government"

From Lehigh Valley Independent:
So this is fun. Charlie Dent and his House Republican buddies on the Appropriations Committee want to slash tsunami monitoring:
House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers today introduced a Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund the federal government at current rates for three weeks –until April 8 – while cutting $6 billion in spending. [...]

-$99 million – NOAA – Operations, Research, and Facilities
-$18 million – NOAA – Procurement Acquisition and Construction

Unreal. Just unreal. How many times are we going to let these clowns de-fund vital functions, and then watch it bite us. They de-funded the SEC, and we watched Wall Street nearly melt us down in 2008. They cut funding for things that we need to have a functioning economy and nation, over and over again. We keep letting them do it.

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