Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pence Out. DeMint In?

Mike Pence appears to be out of the 2012 race for President, but in the race for Governor of Indiana. Pence, who gave up his position in the GOP House Leadership last year, had been mulling either position, but appears to be deciding. This would appear to be a blow to more conservative elements in his party, where he is considered a rising star. This would seem to be a real blow to social conservatives.

Well, despite his most recent denial, Senator Jim DeMint may end up filling their void. People in DeMint's inner-circle say he isn't inspired by the field of candidates right now. They don't know who he could back. This is a problem for a Senator from early-voting South Carolina. He holds a major card with his endorsement, and could simply hand it to himself. He'd probably win his home-state. However, DeMint doesn't seem like he's in right now, from this video.

Sounds to me like the GOP still doesn't have the hard-line conservative voice it wants in the primaries. Don't write this "voice" candidate off. If President Obama sits over 50% in his approval a year from now, and he looks strong, the GOP may nominate this kind of candidate, in the "Goldwater tradition." Don't count it out.

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