Friday, January 21, 2011

Meet the GOP Field: The Front-Runners?

Ok, so I only have two in this group, but they're kind of interesting cases. Is Rudy Giuliani a front-runner? He's known, but a favorite? Is Senator John Thune a beltway-beloved dark horse? They like him, but this much? Let's look at both.
  • Rudy Giuliani- the former Mayor of New York City. Well, he's famous. He'll get on TV. He might even raise some money. But can he win? The downsides are well known. He's a social liberal, lacks any actual national security credentials (despite living on the issue), he was a total failure candidate in 2008, he's basing his candidacy now on Palin running, and he has no natural place to win (Florida? New Hampshire?). If he runs, he'll get coverage, but I don't see him as a favorite.
  • John Thune- Senator from South Dakota. Is he a rising start in his second term? Thune has that label on him with some, and he has a major, major victory in his career (beating Daschle). Thune is from a neighboring state to Iowa, and seems like a solid candidate in South Carolina or Nevada. His problems? Does anyone know who he is? He's somewhat boring compared to the bomb throwers in the race. He's not from a state with deep fundraising pockets. He hasn't run a tough race in 7 years, so does he have the operatives around him.

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