Thursday, February 3, 2011

What To Do With This Video

I'm going to assume for a second you read my last post. Take nothing from the discredited Andrew Breitbart seriously. You can trust nothing he says or puts out as being factual. He heavily edits videos, and I believe he would plant people in crowds to get his point out.

With that said, let's say his coverage and video from this even could be true or not for a minute. In fact, let's say it's true. This isn't acceptable speech. Out of all the people there, sure it's only a few, and all that jazz, but it's not ok. If these are real people who were at that rally, this is just not alright. This is to be condemned.

Is it real though? I'm taking a guess within days we'll find out some reason to discredit this. Sure, he's right that there's little real difference between the Koch Brothers and George Soros, in that they both fund entire elections. Sure, there probably were some people I wouldn't approve of at any rally. Fine. Fact is, he's doing all of this to muddy the water, and cover up the truth- the Koch Brothers want to explode their profits, even at the expense of the American people.

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