Thursday, February 3, 2011

They Pulled It On ACORN, So Conservative Blowhards Are At It Again

A fake pimp walks into an office and asks for help. The work of discredited Andrew Breitbart? Another ACORN? No, but Breitbart is probably proud. Now the radical right is targeting Planned Parenthood, having sent their cameras in to do another hit-job based on false accusations. Lila Rose is this month's "conservative hero." While her video is at best inconclusive of anything, if you Google "Planned Parenthood" news, you see a lot of coverage treating it as serious. Despite the fact that the video shows nothing, people don't seem to tell the Rose/Breitbart crowd they are full of it. Even though their accusation that Planned Parenthood has a systemic habit of supporting "pimps" and such, their record shows they do not support this behavior. Unfortunately, in an effort to look reasonable, Planned Parenthood fired the woman in the video. No one should take these hoaxsters seriously, especially after they've been discredited on Shirley Sherrod and the ACORN story. Did anyone find out if the woman in the video alerted authorities after the "pimp" left. I sure hope they did do-diligence before accepting the video as some form of indictment. No one can even be sure if the tape is true, or a ball of lies, coming from this crowd.

Now, they want to, as expected, call for action on their twisted hoax. They want to gather a bunch of right-wing, lunatic leaders together to call for the "defunding" of Planned Parenthood, headlined by the rabidly-partisan Erick Erickson and the bigoted Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council. If there was ever a reason to support a group like Planned Parenthood, one who at other times can grate on my nerves, this is it. These people are seeking to basically make progressivism illegal in this nation, and even seek to overturn standing U.S. Law like a woman's right to choose. This is America. Groups like this, who seek the abolition of those who disagree with them, do not behave in a spirit that is consistent with American values, most notably our right to have political positions. They create fake videos of disgusting behavior to try and force progressive causes out of existence, but cry foul when someone attacks their causes after an abortion doctor is killed, or a clinic bombed. People like Lila Rose are the problem in our politics. What group will they try to "defund" next with a pimp.

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