Friday, February 4, 2011

PA's GOP Chairman a Petty Old Man Who Hates Penn State

PoliticsPA reports this remarkably stupid set of remarks:
“When I first heard that the President was coming to central Pennsylvania and was not going to Punxsutawney I thought to myself this just says about everything that’s wrong with the President. How do you come to central Pennsylvania on Ground Hogs Day and not go to Gobbler’s Knob.”

Gleason went on to criticize that Obama’s choice of Penn State as his venue, seeming to imply that the college represented a departure from Pennsylvania values.

“To me this just serves as further proof of how out of touch the White House is with the regular, everyday, hard working and as he called us, bitter and gun toting Pennsylvanians. It makes a great deal of sense that he would seek the comfort of a college university.”

Chairman, you are clearly not really from Pennsylvania. No seriously, anyone in Pennsylvania knows you cannot get more Pennsylvanian than Happy Valley, and Penn State. Yes, I know that Chairman Gleason hates any place where people get educated I'm sure, but the kids there are the kids of Pennsylvanians of ALL political stripes. The President of OUR nation went to speak to them. How petty are you going to go to call him an outsider? Seriously, criticizing him for going to State College instead of Punxsutawney is like criticizing someone for wearing an Eagles jersey to a Phillies game. You just look stupid.

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