Friday, February 4, 2011

Congresswoman Ann Buerkle Doesn't Know She Gets Government Health Care

One thing we can all be sure of: There is no constitutional requirement for members of Congress to be intelligent, or for that matter, to have a brain.

Example A: Congresswoman Ann Buerkle. Check out this gem.
Buerkle, who voted to repeal the health care reform act, was twice asked about the health insurance she receives as a government employee. At first she said she couldn't understand why people were so interested in her health insurance, and that taxpayers didn't pay anything for it. She later corrected herself after being handed a note from a staffer. Like most employees, she pays for a portion of her insurance and her employer, the government, pays the rest, she said.
See, the GOP thinks this health care is ok, because it's through an employer. Here's the thing: it's federally paid for, just as people receiving a subsidy buying health care would be under the Affordable Care Act of 2010. Her staff should have prepped her to at least get up there and spout off talking points. Poor performance by all involved.

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