Friday, February 4, 2011

So How's That Boehner Thing Going?

Some legislative updates:

-So much for that $100 billion in cuts the Tea Partiers thought they would get. The number sought is $32 billion. They're trying to spin that to $74 billion. $32 billion is what it is.

-The GOP is looking to pass a bill that is an anti-environment bill. You see, in their zest to oppose anti-Climate Change legislation that never passed the last Congress, the GOP is looking to pass legislation that increases pollution levels that we already know are bad for us, increases the amount of smoke and smog burned fossil fuels can dump into the air, and generally shows no regard for the environment. For a second here, forget the climate change debate. Do you want to breath this stuff in? If not, then you should oppose this bill, even if you don't believe in Climate Change.

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