Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Polling: Huntsman Doesn't Win His Home State, Feinstein Cruising

Ambassador Jon Huntsman might want to think again about his running for President. Right now, he would get CRUSHED by Mitt Romney in a Presidential Primary in Utah, trailing 65%-16%. However, he would easily beat Senator Orrin Hatch and Congressman Jason Chaffetz, leading 40%-26%-30% right now in the match up. He does even better against them both with the broader electorate, suggesting that if his flirtation with a run for the Presidency ended early enough, the Ambassador could trade in his office for the Senate in 2012.

From deep red Utah to deep blue California, Democrats got some welcome news heading towards 2012. Senator Dianne Feinstein crushes all Republicans in hypothetical match-ups according to PPP, winning by anywhere from 14% to 34%. Feinstein crushes both 2010 statewide candidates, the Governator, and the only Republican with a net-positive rating (Tom Campbell, who's 21%-18% positive-negative rating is helped by no one knowing him). Add onto this Feinstein's own 50%-39% positive/negative rating, and you see a scenario that could save the Democrats a LOT of money.

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