Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Party of Pat Robertson Returns

Remember the 2010 campaign? Remember how the GOP campaigned against spending and the deficit? Remember that party? Yeah, it's gone. Pat Robertson's right-wing religious fanatics are back in charge now. Target number one in this Congress? Abortion access, and coverage. For years, there has been general agreement that the government will NOT fund abortion with tax dollars, except in the case of rape, incest, and threat to the mother's life. Everyone agrees to play by those rules. Until now. Johnny Boehner and the boys want to limit the only eligibility for tax-funded abortion to "forcible rape." Don't think they've dropped this witch-hunt, the language is still in the bill.

But that's not enough either. In their ideological chase for a right-wing Christian vision for this country, they now are targeting the poor and sick women of America. Laser-like focus on jobs, anyone?
A coalition of abortion foes joined an undercover video activist Thursday in demanding that lawmakers cut all funding for Planned Parenthood, which they accused of complicity in the trafficking of underage girls for prostitution. Planned Parenthood denies the allegations.

The attack came a day after House Republicans announced a spending proposal for the rest of the budget year that would eliminate funding for a 40-year-old family planning program. Planned Parenthood is the largest recipient of the so-called Title X funds, which cover contraception and cancer screenings, but not abortions, for low-income patients.

The proposed spending cuts added momentum to a burgeoning feud over abortion in Congress. Buoyed by the arrival of dozens of new antiabortion Republicans, conservatives have introduced several bills that would further distance taxpayers from abortion.

Current policy already bars federal money for abortion in Medicaid and other government programs except in cases of rape, incest or danger to the life of the woman.
Not only is the inaction of this House hurting this nation, so is the actions taken by it. Job legislation? No. Gutting out every program for the good of the public, for public broadcasting, or for the health of women, Yes. Speaker John Boehner is a joke.

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