Friday, February 4, 2011

For Sale For The Price Of Barbecue and Super Bowl Tickets, The Pennsylvania Legislature

According to a blog post from Capitol Ideas, a lobbying firm will throw a Steelers-themed party on behalf of natural gas drillers the day before the big game.

Can't afford a plane ticket? Not an influential state official? That's too bad. Because this party is going to be totally awesome.

For those lucky enough to attend, you'll be among "Steelers fans, friends of Range Resources and even some Super Steeler greats," where you'll enjoy "a classic Texas BBQ, music and entertainment as we cheer on the Steelers to another Super Bowl championship," the invitation reads.

Sounds fun. Of course, you'll remember that the drillers have major issues pending before state government. In addition to a possible tax on drilling, there are also a host of regulatory issues. It's impossible not to see a lavish Super Bowl party as part of an effort to influence the outcome of the debate.

That's troubling, because the rest of us can't afford to hire lobbyists on our behalf. Every person in Pennsylvania will feel the impact of natural gas drilling, not just a few industry insiders. We have no problem with drillers making their case to lawmakers, but the public should have the same kind of access.

We're supposed to have entered a new age of reform in Harrisburg, but don't expect a lot of changes to how lobbyists are allowed to operate. Gov. Tom Corbett, who made his bones as a corruption-busting prosecutor, failed to propose any new rules for lobbyists when he announced his reform plan last month.
I thought the new Governor and Legislature were going to usher in a new era of good government? Not a chance in hell, I guess. The Big Natural Gas companies get access for food and football, the people get nothing.

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